The Dangers of Being Connected

The New York Times published a lengthy article yesterday that reported on researcher’s suspicions of North Korea’s involvement in last week’s ransomware attack. In the news business, it is axiomatic that the shorter the time-span between an event and the story hitting the headlines, the more likely it is...

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Here’s One Way Bad Guys Get Top-Secret Info

Earlier this month (May 13, 2017) published an article by Sam Biddle describing how NYU had unintentionally allowed details of an advanced code-breaking computer to become accessible to the public. An unnamed digital security researcher had been rummaging around on looking for anomalies; things that are available on...

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This is the latest I have on the Ransomware attack.

This is the latest I have on the Ransomware attack. You just can’t make this stuff up! From the UK news source The Guardian: Here’s the short version of the story: A while back a group of hackers, who call them selves “Shadow Brokers” stole a bunch of software...

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